弘文院 hóng wén yuàn
hóng wén yuàn
proper noun
Academy for the Advancement of Literature
Domain: History 历史
, Subdomain: China
Notes: (Cheung 2017, p. 117)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十六 志第三十七: 百官二 殿前都點檢司 宣徽院 秘書監 國子監 太府監 少府監 軍器監 都水監 諫院 大理寺 弘文院 登聞鼓院 登聞檢院 記注院 集賢院 益政院 武衛軍都指揮使司 衛尉司 戶禮兵刑工部所轄諸司 三路檢察及外路倉庫牧圉等職 Volume 56 Treatises 37: Official Posts 2 - Palace Inspector General, Court of Palace Attendants, Director of the Palace Library, Imperial Academy, Imperial Treasury, Directorate for Imperial Manufacturers, Directorate for Arms, Waterway Inspector, Remonstrance Bureau, Court of Judicial Review, Academy for the Advancement of Literature, Admonishment Drum Court, Admonishment Inspection Court, Notes and Annotation Court, Academy of Scholarly Worthies, Benefits Administration Court, Command of the Military Guard for the Capital, Office for Commandant of Guards, Offices for the Punishment of Ceremonial Guards, Offices for Three Circuits Inspection and Outer Storehouses for Horses History of Jin 金史 — count: 2
- 卷一百〇四 列傳第四十二: 納坦謀嘉 鄒谷 高霖 孟奎 烏林荅與 郭俁 溫迪罕達 王擴 移剌福僧 奧屯忠孝 蒲察思忠 紇石烈胡失門 完顏宇 斡勒合打 蒲察移剌都 Volume 104 Biographies 42: Natan Moujia, Zou Gu, Gao Lin, Meng Kui, Wu Lindayu, Guo Yu, Wendi Handa, Wang Kuo, Yila Fuseng, Aotun Zhongxiao, Pucha Sizhong, Geshiliehushimen, Wan Yanyu, Wolei Heda, Puchayiladou History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 卷一百二十二 列傳第六十: 忠義二 吳僧哥 烏古論德升 張順 馬驤 伯德窊哥 奧屯醜和尚 從坦 孛朮魯福壽 吳邦傑 納合蒲剌都 女奚烈斡出 時茂先 溫蒂罕老兒 梁持勝 賈邦獻移剌阿里合 完顏六斤 紇石烈鶴壽 蒲察婁室 女奚烈資祿 趙益 侯小叔 王佐 黃摑九住 烏林答乞住 陀滿斜烈 尼龐古蒲魯虎 兀顏畏可 兀顏訛出虎 粘割貞 Volume 122 Biographies 60: Wu Sengge, Wugulundesheng, Zhang Shun, Ma Xiang, Bode Wage, Aotunchouheshang, Cong Tan, Beipailufushou, Wu Bangjie, Nahepuladou, Nuxiliewochu, Shi Maoxian, Wendihanlaoer, Liang Chisheng, Jiabangxianyilaalihe, Wanyan Liujin, Geshilieheshou, Pucha Loushi, Nu Xiliezilu, Zhao Yi, Hou Xiaoshu, Wang Zuo, Huangguai Jiuzhu, Wulindaqizhu, Tuoman Xielie, Nipanggupuluhu, Wuyan Weike, Wuyanechuhu, Zhan Gezhen History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 卷六 本紀第六: 世祖三 Volume 6 Annals 6: Shizu 3 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 1
- 卷十 本紀第十: 章宗二 Volume 10 Annals 10: Zhangzong 2 History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 弘文院事 (弘文院事) 同知弘文院事 — History of Jin 金史, 卷五十六 志第三十七: 百官二 殿前都點檢司 宣徽院 秘書監 國子監 太府監 少府監 軍器監 都水監 諫院 大理寺 弘文院 登聞鼓院 登聞檢院 記注院 集賢院 益政院 武衛軍都指揮使司 衛尉司 戶禮兵刑工部所轄諸司 三路檢察及外路倉庫牧圉等職 Volume 56 Treatises 37: Official Posts 2 - Palace Inspector General, Court of Palace Attendants, Director of the Palace Library, Imperial Academy, Imperial Treasury, Directorate for Imperial Manufacturers, Directorate for Arms, Waterway Inspector, Remonstrance Bureau, Court of Judicial Review, Academy for the Advancement of Literature, Admonishment Drum Court, Admonishment Inspection Court, Notes and Annotation Court, Academy of Scholarly Worthies, Benefits Administration Court, Command of the Military Guard for the Capital, Office for Commandant of Guards, Offices for the Punishment of Ceremonial Guards, Offices for Three Circuits Inspection and Outer Storehouses for Horses — count: 2
- 知弘文院 (知弘文院) 把掃合同知弘文院事 — History of Jin 金史, 卷一百〇四 列傳第四十二: 納坦謀嘉 鄒谷 高霖 孟奎 烏林荅與 郭俁 溫迪罕達 王擴 移剌福僧 奧屯忠孝 蒲察思忠 紇石烈胡失門 完顏宇 斡勒合打 蒲察移剌都 Volume 104 Biographies 42: Natan Moujia, Zou Gu, Gao Lin, Meng Kui, Wu Lindayu, Guo Yu, Wendi Handa, Wang Kuo, Yila Fuseng, Aotun Zhongxiao, Pucha Sizhong, Geshiliehushimen, Wan Yanyu, Wolei Heda, Puchayiladou — count: 2