漆 qī
varnish; lacquer; paint
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '漆'; Guoyu '漆' n 3; Kroll 2015 '漆' 1a, p. 352; Mathews 1931 '漆', p. 76; Unihan '漆'; Wikipedia '漆') -
to paint; to coat with lacquer
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '漆' v; Mathews 1931 '漆', p. 76) -
varnish tree
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '漆' n 2; Kroll 2015 '漆' 1, p. 352; Mathews 1931 '漆', p. 76) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '漆' adj; Mathews 1931 '漆', p. 76) -
proper noun
Qi [river]
Domain: Places 地方 , Subdomain: China , Concept: Place Name 地名
Notes: (Guoyu '漆' n 1) -
proper noun
Qi [surname]
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (Guoyu '漆' n 4)
Contained in
- 黑漆漆 extremely dark
- 漆黑 pitch black; very dark ; a dark black color
- 清漆 varnish
- 油漆匠 a painter
- 掉漆 to peel off (paint); to be exposed; to lose face
- 土漆 lacquer
- 漆黑一团(漆黑一團) pitch-black; (fig.) to be completely in the dark
- 如胶似漆(如膠似漆) like glue sticking to lacquer; joined at the hip
- 金漆 copper paint; fake gold leaf
- 木漆 lacquer
- 漆食人 lacquer poisoning
- 油漆 paint; lacquer
- 夜光漆 fluorescent paint
- 水泥漆 concrete paint
- 漆雕 carved or engraved lacquerware
- 胶漆之情(膠漆之情) intimately close like glue and lacquer
- 喷漆(噴漆) to spray paint or lacquer
- 漆咬人 lacquer poisoning
- 面漆 top coat
- 一团漆黑(一團漆黑) pitch-black; (fig.) to be completely in the dark
- 漆画(漆畫) a picture created with lacquer
- 漆器 lacquer ware; lacquerware
- 朱漆 red paint
- 漆弹(漆彈) paintball
- 目似点漆(目似點漆) [beautiful] eyes like dots of lacquer
- 油光漆 varnish
- 生漆 raw lacquer
- 喷漆器(噴漆器) a spray painting machine
- 亮漆 varnish
- 漆布 varnished cloth; linoleum
- 亮光漆 varnish
- 如胶如漆(如膠如漆) like glue and lacquer; joined at the hip
- 漆皮鞋 patent leather shoes
- 乳胶漆(乳膠漆) latex paint; emulsion paint
- 大漆 lacquer
- 脱胎漆器(脫胎漆器) bodiless lacquerware
- 光漆 enamel
- 似漆如胶(似漆如膠) like lacquer and glue; joined at the hip
- 黑漆麻花 pitch-dark; coal black
- 漆工 a lacquerware craftsman ; a lacquerware artist
- 眼若点漆(眼若點漆) [beautiful] eyes like dots of lacquer
- 火漆 sealing wax
- 绝热漆(絕熱漆) heat-resistant paint
- 底漆 primer
- 漆书(漆書) a lacquered bamboo slip text
- 汽车漆(汽車漆) automotive paint
- 胶漆相融(膠漆相融) to stick together like glue and lacquer
- 乌漆墨黑(烏漆墨黑) jet-black; pitch-dark
- 建漆 Fujian lacquer
- 漆宅 a coffin
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷七十八 志第二十八: 輿服一 Volume 78 Treatises 31: Carriages and Clothes 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 36
- 卷10 志第5 禮儀五 Volume 10 Treatises 5: Rites 5 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 13
- 《祭義》 The Meaning of Sacrifices The Book of Rites 禮記 — count: 10
- 卷九十八 列傳第八十六: 蠕蠕 匈奴宇文莫槐 徒何段就六眷 高車 Volume 98 Biographies 86: Rouran, Yuwen Mohuai Xiongnu, Duanliu Liujuan, Gaoche History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 10
- 卷四十二 志第十八 地理三 Volume 42 Treatises 18: Geography 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 10
- 卷六十八 志第四十四 輿服四 Volume 68 Treatises 44: Carriages and Clothing 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 10
- 卷103 蠕蠕 匈奴宇文莫槐 徒何段就六眷 高車 Volume 103: Rouran, Yuwen Mohuai, Duanliu Liujuan, Gaoche Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 9
- 卷二十九 志第九: 音樂二 Volume 29 Treatises 9: Music 2 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 8
- 卷十八 志第八 禮五 Volume 18 Treatises 8: Rituals 5 Book of Song 宋書 — count: 8
- 卷四十三 志第二十四: 輿服上 天子車輅、皇后妃嬪車輦、皇太子車制、王公以下車制及鞍勒飾 輿服中 天子袞冕 視朝之服 皇后冠服 皇太子冠服 宗室及外戚並一品命婦 臣下朝服 祭服 公服 輿服下 衣服通制 Volume 43 Treatises 24: Carriages and Clothing 1 - Emperor's Carriages, Empress' and Consorts' Carriages; Crown Prince's Carriages; Princes, Dukes, and below Carriages and Saddlery; Carriages and Clothing 2 - Emperors' Robes and Crowns; Clothing for those Accompanying the Emperor; Empresses' Crown and Clothing; Crown Princes' Crown and Clothing; Dress for the Imperial Clan, Families of Imperial Consorts, and Titled Nobility; Court Dress for Officials; Ceremonial Clothing; Official Clothing; Carriages and Clothing 3 - Tailoring History of Jin 金史 — count: 8
- 丹漆 (丹漆) 丹漆若何 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 宣公 Lord Xuan — count: 10
- 漆漆 (漆漆) 濟濟漆漆然 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《祭義》 The Meaning of Sacrifices — count: 10
- 漆身为 (漆身為) 漆身為厲 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷九 主術訓 Chapter 9: The Sovereign's Methods — count: 6
- 贡漆 (貢漆) 厥貢漆絲 — Book of Documents 尚書, 夏書 禹貢 Xia Shu - Tribute of Yu — count: 6
- 漆闾 (漆閭) 邾庶其以漆閭丘來奔 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 6
- 漆叶 (漆葉) 佗授以漆叶青黏散 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷八十二下 方術列傳 Volume 82b: Biographies of Alchemists 2 — count: 6
- 漆丝 (漆絲) 厥貢漆絲 — Book of Documents 尚書, 夏書 禹貢 Xia Shu - Tribute of Yu — count: 5
- 城漆 (城漆) 城漆 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 定公 Lord Ding — count: 4
- 漆沮 (漆沮) 漆沮之從 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 小雅‧南有嘉魚之什‧吉日 Minor odes of the kingdom - Nan You Jia Yu Zhi Shen - Ji Ri — count: 4
- 漆身 (漆身) 乃漆身變形 — Garden of Stories 說苑, 卷六 復恩 Chapter 6: Repaying Kindness — count: 4