由 yóu
follow; from; it is for...to
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words
Notes: In the sense of 由于 (CCD '由' 2; FE '由' 1; Unihan '由') -
Kangxi radical 102
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Radicals
Notes: Alternate form for 田 (ABC back cover; GHC p. 7) -
to follow along
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 经过 (CCD '由' 3; FE '由' 4; Unihan '由') -
cause; reason
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 原由 (CCD '由' 1; FE '由' 1) -
by somebody; up to somebody
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '由' 5; FE '由' 3) -
from a starting point
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '由' 7; FE '由' 2) -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (CCD '由' 8; FE '由' 5)
Contained in
- 自由素食主义(自由素食主義) Freeganism
- 充足理由律 sufficient grounds
- 路由协议 routing protocol ; routing protocols
- 自由焓 free enthalpy (thermodynamics); Gibbs free energy
- 摘由 high points (of a document); resume
- 没来由(沒來由) without any reason; for no reason
- 由于(由於) due to; as a result of; because of; owing to ; due to; as a result of; because of; owing to
- 藉由 by means of; through; by
- 自由自在 free and without restraints
- 因由 reason; cause ; justification ; karmic cause and effect
- 路由协定(路由協定) routing protocol
- 自由世界 free world
- 言论自由(言論自由) freedom of speech
- 自由亚洲电台(自由亞洲電台) Radio Free Asia
- 根由 reason; cause; origin
- 自由市场经济(自由市場經濟) a market economy
- 由不得 cannot help; to be beyond control of
- 宗教自由 freedom of religion
- 新闻自由(新聞自由) freedom of the press
- 欧洲自由贸易联盟(歐洲自由貿易聯盟) European Free Trade Association
- 自由爵士乐(自由爵士樂) free jazz (music genre)
- 不由得 can not help; cannot but ; can not permit
- 不自由,毋宁死(不自由,毋寧死) give me liberty or give me death
- 自由古巴 Cuba Libre
- 即由 namely
- 自由市场(自由市場) a free market
- 自由派 liberal
- 咎由自取 a self-inflicted disaster
- 自由贸易区(自由貿易區) free trade zone; free trade area
- 由是 because of
- 自由行 travel organized by oneself rather than in a tour group
- 由径(由徑) to follow a narrow path
- 大小由之 we follow them [the ancients] in things great and small
- 集会自由(集會自由) freedom of assembly
- 不由分说(不由分說) allow no explanation
- 自由意志 free will
- 正当理由(正當理由) proper reason; reasonable grounds
- 自由散漫 easy-going; lax; unconstrained; unruly
- 由此可见(由此可見) from this, it can be seen that
- 自由刑 deprivation of freedom
- 自由思想 freethought
- 丰俭由人(豐儉由人) fancy or simple according to somebody's budget
Also contained in
朱由检 、 三岛由纪夫 、 朱由榔 、 自由党 、 路由 、 自由文本查找 、 由旬 、 自由软体 、 朱由校
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百二十 列傳第八 諸王五 Volume 120 Biographies 8: Princes 5 History of Ming 明史 — count: 64
- 卷八十三 志第五十九 河渠一 Volume 83 Treatises 59: Rivers and Canals 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 53
- 卷六十七 志第十八: 禮樂一 Volume 67 Treatises 20: Rites and Music 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 47
- 卷八十四 志第六十 河渠二 Volume 84 Treatises 60: Rivers and Canals 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 46
- 卷二百十六 表第七 宗室世系二 Volume 216 Tables 7: Geneology of the Imperial Clan 2 History of Song 宋史 — count: 43
- 卷一百〇四 表第五 諸王世表五 Volume 104 Tables 5: Princes 5 History of Ming 明史 — count: 36
- 卷八十五 志第六十一 河渠三 Volume 85 Treatises 61: Rivers and Canals 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 36
- Daode Jing 《道德經》 Daode Jing 道德經 — count: 33
- 卷八十七 志第六十三 河渠五 Volume 87 Treatises 63: Rivers and Canals 5 History of Ming 明史 — count: 32
- 卷五十三 志第二十九 禮七 Volume 53 Treatises 29: Rites 7 History of Ming 明史 — count: 31