异化 (異化) yìhuà
alienation (philosophy); (of speech) dissimilation
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '異化')
Contained in
- 异化作用(異化作用) catabolism; metabolic breaking down and waste disposal; dissimilation
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十八 列傳第三十九 蠻 東南夷 Volume 58 Biographies 39: Other Peoples from the Southeast Book of Southern Qi 南齊書 — count: 1
- 卷四百三十九 列傳第一百九十八 文苑一 宋白 梁周翰 朱昂 趙鄰幾何承裕 鄭起 郭昱 馬應 和峴弟:㠓 馮吉 Volume 439 Biographies 198: Literature 1 - Song Bai, Liang Zhouhan, Zhu Ang, Zhaolin Jihe Chengyu, Zheng Qi, Guo Yu, Ma Ying, He Xian and younger brother: Meng, Feng Ji History of Song 宋史 — count: 1