以法治国 (以法治國) yǐ fǎzhì guó
yǐ fǎzhì guó
set phrase
rule by law
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (An Observation of China’s Blueprint of “Rule of law”: Based on the Modern Concept of “Legal State”, Hsiang-Jui Kuo)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 明法解第六十七 Chapter 67: Explanation of Wise Edicts Guanzi 管子 — count: 1
- 明法第四十六 Chapter 46: Wise Edicts Guanzi 管子 — count: 1
- 有度第六 Chapter 6: Having Standards Han Feizi 韓非子 — count: 1