里海 (裡海) lǐhǎi
proper noun
Caspian Sea
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Geography
, Concept: Sea 海
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '裡海'; Wikipedia '裏海')
Contained in
- 里海地鸦(裡海地鴉) Pander's ground jay (Podoces panderi)
Also contained in
- 孛里海 (孛裡海) 實潛約大將孛里海合兵攻之 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷一百四十八 列傳第三十五: 董俊 嚴實 Volume 148 Biographies 35: Dong Jun, Yan Shi — count: 6
- 紮里海 (紮裡海) 紮里海上言 — History of Jin 金史, 卷一百三十二 列傳第七十: 逆臣 秉德本名乙辛 唐括辯 烏帶 大興國 徒單阿里出虎 僕散師恭本名忽土 徒單貞 李老僧 完顏元宜 紇石烈執中本名胡沙虎 Volume 132 Biographies 70: Ni Chen, Bingdebenmingyixin, Tang Kuobian, Wu Dai, Da Xingguo, Tudanalichuhu, Pusanshigongbenminghutu, Tu Danzhen, Li Laoseng, Wan Yanyuanyi, Geshiliezhizhongbenminghushahu — count: 4
- 益里海 (益裡海) 亦啓列氏昌國公主益里海涯女也 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷一百〇六 表第一: 后妃表 Volume 106 Tables 1: Empresses and Consorts — count: 3
- 里海涯 (裡海涯) 亦啓列氏昌國公主益里海涯女也 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷一百〇六 表第一: 后妃表 Volume 106 Tables 1: Empresses and Consorts — count: 3
- 蒲里海 (蒲裡海) 押軍猛安溫敦蒲里海身先士卒 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十七 列傳第二十五: 紇石烈志寧 僕散忠義 徒單合喜 Volume 87 Biographies 25: Geshiliezhining, Pusan Zhongyi, Tu Danhexi — count: 2
- 里海军 (裡海軍) 急赴孛里海軍與之合 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷一百四十八 列傳第三十五: 董俊 嚴實 Volume 148 Biographies 35: Dong Jun, Yan Shi — count: 2
- 苾里海 (苾裡海) 曷速館苾里海水人也 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六十六 列傳第四: 始祖以下諸子 勗本名烏野,子:宗秀 隈可 宗室 胡十門 合住曾孙:布輝 摑保 衷本名醜漢 齊本名掃合 朮魯 胡石改 宗賢本名阿魯 撻懶 卞本名吾母 膏本名阿里刺 弈本名三寶 阿喜 Volume 66 Biographies 4: Sons and descendants of Shizu - Xu formerly named , son: Zongxiu, Wei Ke, Zong Shi, Hu Shimen, He Zhu and great-grandson: Buhui, Guai Bao, Zhong formerly called Chouhan, Qi formerly named Saohe, Pai Lu, Hu Shigai, Zong Xian formerly called Alu, Ta Lan, Bian formerly called Wumu, Gao formerly called Alici, Yi formerly named Sanbao, A Xi — count: 2
- 里海水 (裡海水) 曷速館苾里海水人也 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六十六 列傳第四: 始祖以下諸子 勗本名烏野,子:宗秀 隈可 宗室 胡十門 合住曾孙:布輝 摑保 衷本名醜漢 齊本名掃合 朮魯 胡石改 宗賢本名阿魯 撻懶 卞本名吾母 膏本名阿里刺 弈本名三寶 阿喜 Volume 66 Biographies 4: Sons and descendants of Shizu - Xu formerly named , son: Zongxiu, Wei Ke, Zong Shi, Hu Shimen, He Zhu and great-grandson: Buhui, Guai Bao, Zhong formerly called Chouhan, Qi formerly named Saohe, Pai Lu, Hu Shigai, Zong Xian formerly called Alu, Ta Lan, Bian formerly called Wumu, Gao formerly called Alici, Yi formerly named Sanbao, A Xi — count: 2