鉴 (鑒) jiàn
mirror; looking glass
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Variant of 鑑 (Unihan '鑒'; XHZD '鉴' 1, p. 333) -
to reflect
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '鑒'; XHZD '鉴' 2, p. 333) -
to inspect
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (XHZD '鉴' 3, p. 333)
Contained in
- 有鉴于此(有鑒於此) in view of this; to this end
- 鉴赏家(鑒賞家) connoisseur; appreciative person; fan
- 覆车之鉴(覆車之鑒) warning from an overturned carriage; lesson from a failed predecessor
- 鉴貌辨色(鑒貌辨色) be aware of facial expression and how it changes
- 鉴定家(鑒定家) expert
- 以史为鉴(以史為鑒) to learn from history
- 后车之鉴(後車之鑒) warning to the following cart; don't follow the track of an overturned cart; draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake
- 鉴毛辨色(鑒毛辨色) observe facial expression and how it changes
- 冰鉴(冰鑒) ice mirror
- 印鉴(印鑒) a seal; a signet; a chop; a stamp
- 鉴赏(鑒賞) to admire and appraise ; to appreciate
- 赏鉴(賞鑒) to appreciate (a work of art)
- 鉴黄(鑑黃) to inspect videos and other media for pornographic content
- 借鉴(借鑒) to use other people's experience; to borrow from a source; to use as reference
- 亲子鉴定(親子鑒定) paternity or maternity test
- 鉴黄师(鑑黃師) content moderator specializing in pornographic material (both online and offline)
- 鉴识(鑑識) to identify; to detect
- 油光可鉴(油光可鑒) oily and shiny to the point of reflecting; lustrous
- 鉴观(鑒觀) examine
- 鉴价(鑑價) to appraise; appraisal; valuation
- 鉴察(鑒察) to inspect
- 品鉴(品鑒) to judge; to examine; to evaluate
- 鉴戒(鑒戒) lesson from events of the past; warning
- 年鉴(年鑑) annual report; yearbook; almanac
- 评鉴(評鑒) evaluation; assessment
- 鉴定人(鑒定人) expert
- 图鉴(圖鑒) illustrated handbook
- 龙龛手鉴(龍龕手鑑) Longkan Shoujian
- 明鉴(明鑒) a clear mirror ; clear comprehension ; retrospective understanding of the causes of past events
- 鉴于(鑒於) in light of; in view of; whereas
- 前车之鉴(前車之鑒) warning from an a carriage in front; to learn a lesson from a defeated predecessor
- 鉴定书(鑒定書) written expert evidence
- 鉴别(鑒別) to differentiate; to distinguish ; to differentiate; to distinguish
- 鉴核(鑒核) investigate and decide; to consider
- 前车之覆,后车之鉴(前車之覆,後車之鑒) the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart; draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake
- 鉴定(鑒定) to appraise; to identify; to evaluate
- 鉴往知来(鑒往知來) to observe the past to foresee the future (idiom, taken loosely from Book of Songs)
- 洞鉴(洞鑒) to examine deeply; to inspect closely
- 鉴定委员会(鑒定委員會) evaluation committee; review board
Also contained in
资治通鉴纲目 、 鉴真和尚 、 德法年鉴 、 国家文物鉴定委员会 、 通鉴纲目 、 资治通鉴
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷二百〇六 志第一百五十九 藝文五 Volume 206 Treatises 159: Arts and Literature 5 History of Song 宋史 — count: 61
- 卷六十七 列傳第三十七 溫嶠 郗鑒 Volume 67 Biographies 37: Wen Jiao; Xi Jian Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 51
- 卷二百〇七 志第一百六十 藝文六 Volume 207 Treatises 160: Arts and Literature 6 History of Song 宋史 — count: 45
- 卷二百〇三 志第一百五十六 藝文二 Volume 203 Treatises 156: Arts and Literature 2 History of Song 宋史 — count: 28
- 卷一百八十七 列傳第七十五 何鑑 馬中錫 陸完 洪鍾 陳金 俞諫 周南 馬昊 Volume 187 Biographies 75: He Jian, Ma Zhongxi, Lu Wan, Hong Zhong, Chen Jin, Yu Jian, Zhou Nan, Ma Hao History of Ming 明史 — count: 28
- 卷二百七十七 列傳第三十六 張鑑 姚坦 索湘 宋太初 盧之翰 鄭文寶 王子輿 劉綜 卞袞 許驤 裴莊 牛冕 張適 欒崇吉 袁逢吉 韓國華 何蒙 慎知禮 Volume 277 Biographies 36: Zhang Jian, Yao Tan, Suo Xiang, Song Taichu, Lu Zhihan, Zheng Wenbao, Wang Ziyu, Liu Zong, Bian Gun, Xu Xiang, Pei Zhuang, Niu Mian, Zhang Shi, Luan Chongji, Yuan Fengji, Han Guohua, He Meng, Shen Zhili History of Song 宋史 — count: 26
- 卷16 道武七王 Volume 16: Emperor Daowu's Seven Princes Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 25
- 卷四百十八 列傳第一百七十七 吳潛 程元鳳 江萬里 王爚 章鑑 陳宜中 文天祥 Volume 418 Biographies 177: Wu Qian, Cheng Yuanfeng, Jiang Wanli, Wang Yue, Zhang Jian, Chen Yizhong, Wen Tianxiang History of Song 宋史 — count: 23
- 卷八十一 列傳第五十一 王遜 蔡豹 羊鑒 劉胤 桓宣 朱伺 毛寶 劉遐 鄧嶽 朱序 Volume 81 Biographies 51: Wang Xun; Cai Bao; Yang Jian; Liu Yin; Huan Xuan; Zhu Si; Mao Bao; Liu Xia; Deng Yue; Zhu Xu Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 23
- 卷一百〇七 載記第七 石季龍(石虎)下 Volume 107 Records 7: Shi Jilong Part Two Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 22
- 通鉴 (通鑒) 通鑒外紀 — Guanzi 管子, Notes — count: 50
- 鉴作 (鑒作) 通鑒作 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十二 光武十王列傳 Volume 42: Biographies of Ten Princes of Guangwu — count: 11
- 鉴考 (鑒考) 集解引通鑒考異 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang — count: 4
- 鉴胡 (鑒胡) 集解引通鑒胡注 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十三 朱樂何列傳 Volume 43: Biographies of Zhu, Yue, He — count: 4
- 殷鉴 (殷鑒) 殷鑒不遠 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 大雅‧蕩之什‧蕩 Greater odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Dang - Dang — count: 4
- 鉴亦作 (鑒亦作) 通鑒亦作 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十上 班彪列傳 Volume 40a: Biography of Ban Biao 1 — count: 4
- 鉴燧 (鑒燧) 以鑒燧取水於月 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 第四 禮儀上 合朔 立春 五供 上陵 冠 夕牲 耕 高禖 養老 先蠶 祓禊 Volume 94: Etiquette Part One — count: 3
- 鉴小 (鑒小) 遠中則所鑒小 — Mozi 墨子, 卷十 經說下 Book 10 - Exposition of Canon II — count: 3
- 宜鉴 (宜鑒) 宜鑒于殷 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 大雅‧文王之什‧文王 Greater odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Wen Wang - Wen Wang — count: 3
- 曹鉴 (曹鑒) 东武阳怀王曹鉴 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷二十 魏書二十 武文世王公傳 Volume 20: Book of Wei 20 - Biographies of nobles in Emperors Wu and Wen's time — count: 3