朵 duǒ
measure word
measure word for flowers and clouds
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
Notes: (Guoyu '朵' n 2; Unihan '朵') -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Unihan '朵') -
cluster of flowers
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '朵' n 1; Unihan '朵') -
to chew; to munch
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 朵颐 (Guoyu '朵' v)
Contained in
- 软耳朵(軟耳朵) credulous person; credulous
- 玛奇朵(瑪奇朵) macchiato ; latte macchiato (coffee)
- 咬耳朵 to whisper in somebody's ear
- 克利斯朵夫 Christopher (name)
- 骨朵 club (ancient stick-like weapon); (flower) bud
- 云朵(雲朵) cloud
- 花朵 a flower
- 朵颐(朵頤) to chew; to munch
- 耳朵 an ear
- 耳朵软(耳朵軟) credulous
- 花骨朵 flower bud
- 大块朵颐(大塊朵頤) to chew on a large slab; a large mouthful is hard to chew; to tuck into a great meal
- 咬着耳朵(咬著耳朵) whispering in somebody's ear
- 扇风耳朵(扇風耳朵) protruding ears
- 耙耳朵 henpecked; to be under one's wife's thumb
- 竖起耳朵(豎起耳朵) to prick up one's ears; to strain to hear
- 潘朵拉 Pandora
- 大快朵颐(大快朵頤) to gorge oneself; to eat heartily
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百三十九 列傳第二十六: 乃蠻台 朵兒只 朵爾直班 阿魯圖 紐的該 Volume 139 Biographies 26: Naimantai, Duo'erzhi, Duo'erzhiban, Alutu, Niudegai History of Yuan 元史 — count: 70
- 卷一百七十九 列傳第六十六: 賀勝 楊朵兒只 蕭拜住 Volume 179 Biographies 66: He Sheng, Yang Duoerzhi, Xiao Baizhu History of Yuan 元史 — count: 32
- 卷三十一 志第一: 營衞志上 Volume 31 Treatises 1: Management of Guards 1 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 31
- 卷三百二十八 列傳第二百十六 外國九 瓦剌 兀良哈 Volume 328 Biographies 216: Foreign States 9 - Oirats, Wuliangha History of Ming 明史 — count: 24
- 卷九十 志第六十六 兵二 Volume 90 Treatises 66: Military 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 19
- 卷三百三十一 列傳第二百十九 西域三 Volume 331 Biographies 219: Western Regions 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 19
- 卷六十九 表第七: 部族表 Volume 69 Tables 7: Tribes History of Liao 遼史 — count: 15
- 第八十九回 Chapter 89 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 — count: 14
- 卷二十九 本紀第二十九: 泰定帝一 Volume 29 Annals 29: Emperor Taiding 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 13
- 卷三十二 本紀第三十二: 文宗一 Volume 32 Annals 32: Wenzong 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 12