贱 (賤) jiàn

  1. jiàn adjective mean; low; base
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 地位卑下的; for example, 低贱 'lowly and mean' (Guoyu '賤' adj 2; Kroll 2015 '賤' 2; Mathews 1931 '賤', p. 120; Unihan '賤'; XHZD '贱' 3)
  2. jiàn adjective cheap; worthless
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 价格低廉; for examlpe, 贱价 'lower than a reasonable price' (Guoyu '賤' adj 1; Kroll 2015 '賤' 1; Mathews 1931 '賤', p. 120; Unihan '賤'; XHZD '贱' 1)
  3. jiàn adjective humble
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: May be used in a self-deprecating context; in the sense of 谦称自己的; for example, 贱内 'my wife' (Guoyu '賤' adj 5; Kroll 2015 '賤' 5; XHZD '贱' 2)
  4. jiàn adjective insignificant
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (Kroll 2015 '賤' 2a)
  5. jiàn adjective poor; miserable
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: For example, 贱骨头 'miserable wretch' (Guoyu '賤' adj 3; Kroll 2015 '賤' 3)
  6. jiàn verb to disrespect; to mistreat
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 看不起 (Guoyu '賤' v 1; Kroll 2015 '賤' 4; Mathews 1931 '賤', p. 120)
  7. jiàn verb to loath; to hate
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 厌恶 (Guoyu '賤' v 2)
  8. jiàn noun low status
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 地位低下 (Guoyu '賤' n 1)
  9. jiàn proper noun Jian
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
    Notes: (Guoyu '賤' n 2)

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