无人 (無人) wú rén
wú rén
unmanned; uninhabited; no people
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '無人')
Contained in
- 无人飞行器(無人飛行器) drone; unmanned aerial vehicle
- 无人不(無人不) no man is not...
- 无人区(無人區) uninhabited region
- 荒无人烟(荒無人煙) desolate and uninhabited
- 无人航空载具(無人航空載具) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); drone
- 渺无人烟(渺無人煙) remote and uninhabited; deserted; God-forsaken
- 目中无人(目中無人) to consider everyone else beneath one
- 面无人色(面無人色) ashen-faced
- 无人不晓(無人不曉) known to everyone
- 无人战斗航空载具(無人戰鬥航空載具) unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV); combat drone; drone
- 后继无人(後繼無人) to have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
- 杳无人烟(杳無人煙) dark and uninhabited; remote and deserted; God-forsaken
- 无人问津(無人問津) to be of no interest to anyone (idiom)
- 无人机(無人機) drone; unmanned aerial vehicle
- 惨无人道(慘無人道) inhuman; brutal and unfeeling
- 无人售票(無人售票) self-service ticketing; automated ticketing
- 旁若无人(旁若無人) to act as though there were nobody else present; unselfconscious; without regard for others
- 无人飞行载具(無人飛行載具) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); drone
- 无人飞机(無人飛機) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); drone
- 无人能及(無人能及) nobody can compete with; unmatched by anybody; without rival
- 无人飞行系统(無人飛行系統) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); drone
- 无人驾驶(無人駕駛) unmanned
- 无人不知(無人不知) known to everybody
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 宣公 Lord Xuan Gongyang's Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋公羊傳 — count: 6
- 第二回 Chapter 69 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 6
- 卷二十六 Scroll 26 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 6
- 第二回 Chapter 57 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 5
- 卷第二 黃帝篇 Chapter 2: The Yellow Emperor Liezi 列子 — count: 5
- 第四十三回 Chapter 43 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 4
- 卷二十一 Scroll 21 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 4
- 第二十七回 Chapter 27 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 4
- 《田子方》 Tian Zi-fang Zhuangzi 莊子 — count: 4
- 卷十一 Scroll 11 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 4
- 无人臣 (無人臣) 無人臣之禮 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷六十五 東方朔傳 Volume 65: Dongfang Shuo — count: 9
- 国无人 (國無人) 此之謂國無人 — Guanzi 管子, 明法第四十六 Chapter 46: Wise Edicts — count: 8
- 无人事 (無人事) 此子無人事於外 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷三十六 鄭范陳賈張列傳 Volume 36: Biographies of Zheng, Fan, Chen, Jia, Zhang — count: 5
- 无人君 (無人君) 無人君禮 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《梁孝王世家》 House of Prince Xiao of Liang — count: 3
- 患无人 (患無人) 無患無人 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 3
- 无人色 (無人色) 吏士皆無人色 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《李將軍列傳》 Biography of General Li — count: 3
- 廷无人 (廷無人) 亡國之廷無人焉 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 有度第六 Chapter 6: Having Standards — count: 2
- 秦无人 (秦無人) 曰子無謂秦無人 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 文公 Lord Wen — count: 2
- 左右无人 (左右無人) 左右無人 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 內儲說上七術第三十 Chapter 30: A Collection of Sayings I — count: 2
- 无人可 (無人可) 是為無人可使者乎 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《傅靳蒯成列傳》 Biographies of Fu, Jin, and the Marquis of Kuaicheng — count: 2