㚖 gǎo
to come out to the open; to be known by all
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Said of the truth (Unihan '㚖') -
glossy; shining
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: An ancient form 澤 (Unihan '㚖')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang History of Jin 金史 — count: 39
- 《大部》 Dà Radical Shuo Wen Jie Zi 說文解字 — count: 1
- 大㚖 (大㚖) 大㚖破賊十萬於淮南 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang — count: 6
- 使㚖 (使㚖) 使㚖伺察反側 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang — count: 3
- 㚖曰 (㚖曰) 或謂㚖曰 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang — count: 2
- 㚖独 (㚖獨) 㚖獨率本部兵 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang — count: 2
- 㚖伺 (㚖伺) 使㚖伺察反側 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang — count: 2
- 㚖军 (㚖軍) 㚖軍有素備 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang — count: 2