荣 (榮) róng
glory; honor
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '榮') -
to flourish; to prosper
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '榮')
Contained in
- 长荣(長榮) Evergreen (Group), Taiwan-based shipping and transportation conglomerate
- 荣衔(榮銜) an honorary title
- 经济繁荣(經濟繁榮) economic prosperity
- 荣耀(榮耀) honor; glory
- 荣誉学位(榮譽學位) honorary degree; (U.K. etc) honours degree
- 光荣(光榮) honor and glory ; radiance ; special favor from a ruler
- 哀荣(哀榮) funeral pomp
- 荣登(榮登) (of a list, music chart etc) to reach the top
- 荣利(榮利) fame and wealth
- 繁荣(繁榮) prosperous; booming
- 荣辱观(榮辱觀) precepts regarding what is honorable and what is shameful
- 荣归(榮歸) to return home with honor
- 国家荣誉(國家榮譽) national honor
- 荣辱(榮辱) honor and disgrace; reputation
- 虚荣(虛榮) vanity
- 衣锦荣归(衣錦榮歸) to come back to one's home
- 兴荣(興榮) to flourish; to prosper
- 荣军(榮軍) disabled soldier; serviceman wounded in action
- 荣归主(榮歸主) Gloria (section of Catholic mass)
- 引以为荣(引以為榮) to regard it as an honor
- 荣景(榮景) period of prosperity
- 荣华富贵(榮華富貴) glory, splendor, wealth and rank; high position and great wealth
- 虽死犹荣(雖死猶榮) although dead, also honored; died a glorious death
- 荣枯(榮枯) growing and withering ; rise and fall
- 荣休主教(榮休主教) bishop emeritus
- 荣华(榮華) glory and splendor
- 荣民(榮民) retired soldier; veteran
- 荣誉教授(榮譽教授) emeritus professor
- 卖国求荣(賣國求榮) to sell out the nation and seek glory
- 荣宠(榮寵) fetish
Also contained in
万荣 、 荣成市 、 荣毅仁 、 得荣县 、 荣河县 、 光荣革命 、 长荣海运 、 荣成湾 、 聂荣 、 万荣县 、 张国荣 、 聂荣县 、 荣县 、 柘荣 、 大东亚共荣圈 、 长荣航空 、 柘荣县 、 田中角荣 、 新荣区 、 陆荣廷 、 罗荣桓
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷四十八 列傳第三十六: 尒朱榮 Volume 48 Biographies 36: Er Zhurong History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 171
- 卷74 尒朱榮 Volume 74: Er Zhurong Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 125
- 卷一百 表第一 諸王世表一 Volume 100 Tables 1: Princes 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 87
- 第三十三回 Chapter 33 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 85
- 卷一百四十八 列傳第三十六 楊士奇 楊榮 楊溥 Volume 148 Biographies 36: Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, Yang Pu History of Ming 明史 — count: 76
- 卷一百〇一 表第二 諸王世表二 Volume 101 Tables 2: Princes 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 74
- 卷一百〇二 表第三 諸王世表三 Volume 102 Tables 3: Princes 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 63
- 卷四十九 列傳第三十七: 朱瑞 叱列延慶 斛斯椿 賈顯度 樊子鵠 侯深 賀拔允 侯莫陳悅 念賢 梁覽 雷紹 毛遐 乙弗朗 Volume 49 Biographies 37: Zhu rui, Chilie Yanqing, Hu Sichun, Jia Xiandu, Fan Zihu, Hou Shen, He Bayun, Houmo Chenyue, Nian Xian, Liang Lan, Lei Shao, Mao Xia, Yi Fulang History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 63
- 卷五十三 列傳第四十一: 万俟普 可朱渾元 劉豐 破六韓常 金祚 劉貴 蔡雋 韓賢 尉長命 王懷 任祥 莫多婁貸文 厙狄迴洛 厙狄盛 張保洛 侯莫陳相 薛孤延 斛律羌舉 張瓊 宋顯 王則 慕容紹宗 叱列平 步大汗薩 薛脩義 慕容儼 潘樂 彭樂 暴顯 皮景和 綦連猛 元景安 獨孤永業 鮮于世榮 傅伏 Volume 53 Biographies 41: Wan Sipu, Kezhui Hunyuan, Liu Feng, Poli Hanchang, Jin Zuo, Liu Gui, Cai Jun, Han Xian, Wei Zhangming, Wan Huai, Ren Xiang, Moduoluo Daiwen, Shedi Huiluo, She Dicheng, Zhang Baoluo, Houmo Chenxiang, Xue Guyan, Hulu Qiangju, Zhang Qiong, Song Xian, Wang Ze, Murong Shaozong, Chi Lieping, Buda Hansa, Xue Xiuyi, Murong Yan, Pan Le, Peng le, Bao Xian, Pi Jinghe, Qi Lianmeng, Yuan Jingan, Dugu Yongye, Xianyu Shirong, Fu Fu History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 61
- 卷三十七 桓榮丁鴻列傳 Volume 37: Biographies of Huan Rong, Ding Hong Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 60
- 田荣 (田榮) 與齊田榮 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《項羽本紀》 Annals of Xiang Yu — count: 26
- 东荣 (東榮) 皆升自東榮 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《喪大記》 The Greater Record of Mourning Rites — count: 9
- 显荣 (顯榮) 為明師則顯榮 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 五蠹第四十九 Chapter 49: Five Vermin — count: 8
- 使荣 (使榮) 王使榮叔來錫桓公命 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 莊公 Lord Zhang — count: 8
- 荣叔 (榮叔) 王使榮叔來錫桓公命 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 莊公 Lord Zhang — count: 7
- 秋荣 (秋榮) 是故春凋秋榮 — Guanzi 管子, 四時第四十 Chapter 40: The Four Seasons — count: 5
- 埶荣 (埶榮) 有埶榮者 — Xunzi 荀子, 正論篇第十八 Chapter 18: Discussion on Proper Judgements — count: 5
- 荣弟 (榮弟) 於是田榮弟田橫收齊亡卒得數萬人 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《項羽本紀》 Annals of Xiang Yu — count: 4
- 以为荣 (以為榮) 合諸侯以為榮也 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 4
- 义荣 (義榮) 有義榮者 — Xunzi 荀子, 正論篇第十八 Chapter 18: Discussion on Proper Judgements — count: 4