不死 bùsǐ
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '不死')
Contained in
- 不死不休 to fight to one's last gasp
- 大难不死,必有后福(大難不死,必有後福) one is bound for good fortune after surviving a great disaster
- 老天爷饿不死瞎家雀(老天爺餓不死瞎家雀) heaven won't let the sparrows go hungry; don't give up hope
- 打蛇不死,后患无穷(打蛇不死,後患無窮) if you beat the snake without killing it, endless evils will ensue
- 不到黄河心不死(不到黃河心不死) not to stop until one reaches the Yellow River; to persevere until one reaches one's goal; to keep going while some hope is left
- 不死心 unwilling to give up; unresigned
- 老不死 old but still alive; old fart; old bastard
- 长生不死(長生不死) immortality
- 大难不死(大難不死) to just escape from calamity
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 《龜策列傳》 Biographies of Diviners Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 32
- 《封禪書》 Religious sacrificial ceremonies Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 8
- 卷二十五上 郊祀志 Volume 25a: Treatise on Sacrifices 1 Book of Han 漢書 — count: 7
- 《孝武本紀》 Annals of the Xiaowu Emperor Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 7
- 卷十七 楚四 Chapter 17: Chu IV Stratagems of the Warring States 戰國策 — count: 6
- 昭公 Lord Zhao The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳 — count: 6
- 卷四 墜形訓 Chapter 4: Terrestrial Forms Huainanzi 淮南子 — count: 6
- 卷四十一 Scroll 41 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 6
- 卷五十一 雜傳第三十九: 朱守殷 董璋 范延光 婁繼英 安重榮 安從進 楊光遠 Volume 51 Miscellaneous Biographies 31: Zhu Shouyin, Dong Zhang, Fan Yanguang, Lou Jiying, An Zhongrong, An Congjin, Yang Guangyuan New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史 — count: 5
- 卷二十一 Scroll 21 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 5
- 人不死 (人不死) 人不死 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 備內第十七 Chapter 17: Guarding the Palace — count: 8
- 病不死 (病不死) 卜病不死 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《龜策列傳》 Biographies of Diviners — count: 7
- 及不死 (及不死) 人聞其能使物及不死 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《孝武本紀》 Annals of the Xiaowu Emperor — count: 5
- 日不死 (日不死) 即後九日不死 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《扁鵲倉公列傳》 Biographies of Bian Que and the Duke of Cang — count: 5
- 管仲不死 (管仲不死) 管仲不死 — The Analects of Confucius 論語, 14. 《憲問》 Xian Wen — count: 5
- 不死纠 (不死糾) 夫夷吾之不死糾也 — Guanzi 管子, 匡君大匡第十八 Chapter 18: Correcting a Ruler from Making a Grave Error — count: 3
- 身不死 (身不死) 身不死 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 喻老第二十一 Chapter 21: Illustrations of Laozi's's Teachings — count: 3
- 去不死 (去不死) 天子以為化去不死也 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《孝武本紀》 Annals of the Xiaowu Emperor — count: 3
- 久不死 (久不死) 病久不死 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《龜策列傳》 Biographies of Diviners — count: 3
- 黄帝不死 (黃帝不死) 吾聞黃帝不死 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《孝武本紀》 Annals of the Xiaowu Emperor — count: 3