巡 xún
to patrol; to make one's rounds
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Military
Notes: (CCD '巡' 1; FE '巡' 1; Unihan '巡') -
measure word
a round
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, a round of drinks (CCD '巡' 2; FE '巡' 2) -
a policeman
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (FE '巡' 3)
Contained in
- 巡礼(巡禮) to make a pilgrimage (to visit a holy site); to go on a sightseeing tour
- 巡捕 to patrol ; policeman
- 巡逻艇(巡邏艇) patrol boat
- 逡巡 to draw back; to move back and forth ; to hesitate ; in an instant
- 巡测仪(巡測儀) survey meter
- 反舰艇巡航导弹(反艦艇巡航導彈) anti-ship cruise missile
- 巡察 to patrol; to search
- 巡狩 an imperial tour
- 巡行 to patrol
- 巡回演出(巡迴演出) (theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances
- 海巡 coast guard
- 巡更 to patrol at night, marking the time by sounding clappers or gongs
- 巡逻车(巡邏車) patrol car
- 巡警 a police officer
- 巡回法庭(巡迴法庭) circuit court
- 巡官 Inspection Officer
- 巡逻之兵(巡邏之兵) troops on patrol
- 巡逻船(巡邏船) patrol vessel; cutter
- 巡洋舰(巡洋艦) battle cruiser
- 巡抚(巡撫) inspector-general ; to patrol a region
- 巡查 to patrol
- 巡航导弹(巡航導彈) cruise missile
- 巡回(巡回) to go around/to roam ; to go around; to roam; to tour
- 巡防舰(巡防艦) frigate
- 徼巡 to patrol
- 巡幸(巡幸) to go on an inspection tour
- 巡弋 to cruise; to patrol by ship
- 出巡 to go on an inspection tour
- 巡演 (theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances
- 逡巡不前 to hesitate to move forward; to balk; to jib
- 巡捕房 police station in a foreign concession 租界
- 巡遊 to cruise; to patrol
- 睃巡 (eyes) to scan; to glance left and right; to scrutinize
- 搠笔巡街(搠筆巡街) a poor scholar selling literature on the street
- 巡逻队(巡邏隊) (army, police) patrol
- 巡航 to cruise
- 巡逻(巡邏) to patrol
- 南巡 the emperor travelling south
- 巡视(巡視) to patrol; to go on an inspection tour
- 装甲巡洋舰(裝甲巡洋艦) armoured cruiser
- 补助巡洋舰(補助巡洋艦) auxiliary cruiser
- 巡回分析端口(巡迴分析端口) Roving Analysis Port / RAP
- 巡缉(巡緝) to find and arrest
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷四十五 志第二十一 地理六 Volume 45 Treatises 21: Geography 6 History of Ming 明史 — count: 337
- 卷四十四 志第二十 地理五 Volume 44 Treatises 20: Geography 5 History of Ming 明史 — count: 249
- 卷四十 志第十六 地理一 Volume 40 Treatises 16: Geography 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 181
- 卷四十三 志第十九 地理四 Volume 43 Treatises 19: Geography 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 180
- 卷四十一 志第十七 地理二 Volume 41 Treatises 17: Geography 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 123
- 卷一百九十二 列傳第一百十七 忠義中 Volume 192 Biographies 117: Loyalty and Righteousness 2 New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 120
- 卷四十二 志第十八 地理三 Volume 42 Treatises 18: Geography 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 107
- 卷四十六 志第二十二 地理七 Volume 46 Treatises 22: Geography 7 History of Ming 明史 — count: 80
- 卷一百九十二 志第一百四十五 兵六 Volume 192 Treatises 145: Military 6 History of Song 宋史 — count: 36
- 卷七十五 志第五十一 職官四 Volume 75 Treatises 51: Official Posts 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 31
- 巡守 (巡守) 巡守告祭柴望也 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 周頌‧清廟之什‧時邁 Sacrificial odes of Zhou - Decade Of Qing Miao - Shi Mai — count: 25
- 东巡 (東巡) 東巡守 — Book of Documents 尚書, 虞書 舜典 Yu Shu - Canon of Shun — count: 16
- 王巡 (王巡) 王巡虢守 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 莊公 Lord Zhang — count: 12
- 巡海上 (巡海上) 上遂東巡海上 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《孝武本紀》 Annals of the Xiaowu Emperor — count: 11
- 巡祭 (巡祭) 故巡祭后土 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《孝武本紀》 Annals of the Xiaowu Emperor — count: 8
- 行巡 (行巡) 隗嚻遣將行巡寇扶風 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷一下 光武帝紀 Volume 1b: Annals of Emperor Guangwu — count: 6
- 北巡 (北巡) 北巡守至于北岳 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《王制》 Royal Regulations — count: 5
- 西巡 (西巡) 八月西巡守 — Book of Documents 尚書, 虞書 舜典 Yu Shu - Canon of Shun — count: 4
- 掌巡 (掌巡) 掌巡市 — Rites of Zhou 周禮, 地官司徒 第二 2. Office of Earth and Minster of Education and Social Welfare — count: 4
- 巡朔方 (巡朔方) 乃遂北巡朔方 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《孝武本紀》 Annals of the Xiaowu Emperor — count: 4