程 chéng
journey; trip; leg of a journey
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As in 路程 (Guoyu '程' n 4; Kroll 2015 '程' 4, p. 49; Mathews 1931 '程', p. 47; Unihan '程'; XHZD '程' 1, p. 86) -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (Guoyu '程' n 6; Kroll 2015 '程' 5, p. 49; Mathews 1931 '程', p. 48) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Mathews 1931 '程', p. 47) -
schedule; agenda
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 日程 itinerary (Guoyu '程' n 5; Unihan '程') -
a measurement
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 度量衡 (Guoyu '程' n 1) -
progress; a step in a process
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '程' n 2; XHZD '程' 2, p. 86) -
a rule; a method; a model; a standard
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 法式 or 规范; for example, 章程 'rules' (Kroll 2015 '程' 1, p. 49; Guoyu '程' n 3; Mathews 1931 '程', p. 47; XHZD '程' 3, p. 86) -
to estimate; to reckon
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 估计 (Guoyu '程' v; XHZD '程' 4, p. 86) -
to evaluate; to consider
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '程' 2, p. 49) -
to manifest; to display
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '程' 3, p. 49) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Mathews 1931 '程', p. 48)
Contained in
- 基因工程 genetic engineering
- 核工程 nuclear engineering
- 车程(車程) travel time
- 会晤议程(會晤議程) a meeting agenda
- 短程 short range
- 去程 outbound trip
- 好前程 a bright future
- 返程 return journey (e.g. home)
- 鹏程万里(鵬程萬里) the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles; one's future prospects are brilliant
- 操作规程(操作規程) operating rules; work regulations
- 程仪(程儀) a parting present; money given for travelling expenses
- 流程 course; stream ; sequence of processes; work flow
- 承揽工程(承攬工程) to contract for an entire project
- 建筑工程(建築工程) construction project
- 运程(運程) one's fortune
- 遗传工程(遺傳工程) genetic engineering
- 一次方程 a linear equation
- 三次方程 cubic equation
- 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built building project; built on soybean dregs
- 刁藩都方程 Diophantine equation
- 微分方程 differential equation
- 中程 medium-range
- 程控交换机(程控交換機) electronic switching system (telecom.); stored program control exchange (SPC)
- 映射过程(映射過程) mapping process
- 起程 to set out on a journey; to leave
- 公事稽程 to delay official business
- 电机及电子学工程师联合会(電機及電子學工程師聯合會) IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- 知识工程师(知識工程師) knowledge worker
- 可擦写可编程只读存储器(可擦寫可編程只讀存儲器) EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory)
- 透明程度 transparency
- 中国知识基础设施工程(中國知識基礎設施工程) China National Knowledge Infrastructure; CNKI
- 流程图(流程圖) flow chart
- 函授课程(函授課程) correspondence course
- 道路工程 road construction
- 过程(過程) course of events; process
- 方程 a mathematical equation ; a mathematical equation
Also contained in
天路历程 、 程颢 、 安徽工程科技学院 、 远程访问 、 全端工程师 、 程序猿 、 计算机辅助软件工程 、 业务过程 、 分解程序 、 补丁程序 、 龚鹏程 、 电机电子工程师学会 、 应用程式 、 程天祚 、 程式码
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷四十六 志第二十二 地理七 Volume 46 Treatises 22: Geography 7 History of Ming 明史 — count: 31
- 卷六十七 唐書43: 列傳19 豆盧革 韋說 盧程 趙鳳 李愚 任圜 Volume 67 Book of Later Tang 43: Biographies 19 - Dou Luge, Wei Shou, Lu Cheng, Zhao Feng, Li Yu, Ren Huan Old History of the Five Dynasties 舊五代史 — count: 26
- 卷七十八 宦者列傳 Volume 78: Biographies of Eunuchs Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 26
- 卷九十五 志第四十八 河渠五 Volume 95 Treatises 48: Rivers and Canals 5 History of Song 宋史 — count: 23
- 卷二十八 唐臣傳第十六: 豆盧革 盧程 任圜 趙鳳 李襲吉 張憲 蕭希甫 劉贊 何瓚 Volume 28 Later Tang Biographies 8: Dou Luge, Lu Cheng, Ren Huan, Zhao Feng, Li Xiji, Zhang Xian, Xiao Xifu, Liu Zan, He Zan New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史 — count: 20
- 卷七十五 志第二十八 律曆八 Volume 75 Treatises 28: Measures and Calendar 8 History of Song 宋史 — count: 20
- 第五十一回 Chapter 51 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 — count: 17
- 卷一百八十 列傳第六十八 張寧 王徽 毛弘 丘弘 李森 魏元 强珍 王瑞 李俊 汪奎 湯鼐 姜綰 姜洪 曹璘 彭程 龐泮 呂獻 葉紳 胡獻 張弘至 屈伸 王獻臣 Volume 180 Biographies 68: Zhang Ning, Wang Hui, Mao Hong, Qiu Hong, Li Sen, Wei Yuan, Qiang Zhen, Wang Rui, Li Jun, Wang Kui, Tang Nai, Jiang Wan, Jiang Hong, Cao Lin, Peng Cheng, Pang Pan, Lu Xian, Ye Shen, Hu Xian, Zhang Hongzhi, Qu Shen, Wang Xianchen History of Ming 明史 — count: 17
- 卷四百八十九 列傳第二百四十八 外國五 占城 眞臘 蒲甘 邈黎 三佛齊 闍婆南毗 勃泥 注輦 丹眉流 Volume 489 Biographies 248: Foreign States 5 - Champa, Siem Reap, Bagan, Miaoli, Srivijaya, Sheponanpi, Brunei, Chola, Nakhon Si Thammarat History of Song 宋史 — count: 16
- 卷五十一 志第三十二: 選舉一 進士諸科律科 經童科 制舉 武舉 試學士院官 司天、醫學試科 Volume 51 Treatises 32: Selection of Officials 1 - Jinshi in all Subjects and Legal Articles; Children Passing Examinations; Processes for Selecting Talented People; Successful Candidates in the Military Examinations; Institutions Administering Examinations; Astronomy Bureau; Examinations for Medicine History of Jin 金史 — count: 16
- 程婴 (程嬰) 朔客程嬰持亡匿山中 — Garden of Stories 說苑, 卷六 復恩 Chapter 6: Repaying Kindness — count: 22
- 程姬 (程姬) 程姬子曰餘 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《五宗世家》 House of the Five Clans — count: 11
- 程郑 (程鄭) 程鄭為乘馬御 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 成公 Lord Cheng — count: 10
- 程纵 (程縱) 得豨丞相程縱 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《絳侯周勃世家》 House of Zhou Bo, Marquis of Jiang — count: 4
- 丞相程 (丞相程) 得豨丞相程縱 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《絳侯周勃世家》 House of Zhou Bo, Marquis of Jiang — count: 4
- 程处 (程處) 程處反於燕 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《曹相國世家》 House of Chancellor Cao — count: 4
- 孙程 (孫程) 中黃門孫程等十九人共斬江京 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷六 孝順孝沖孝質帝紀 Volume 6: Annals of Emperor Xiaoshun; Emperor Xiaochong; Emperor Xiaozhi — count: 4
- 侯程 (侯程) 殤侯程嗣 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《高祖功臣侯者年表》 Yearly Table of the Officials who became Marquises in the Time of Gaozu — count: 3
- 程伯 (程伯) 命程伯休父 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 大雅‧蕩之什‧常武 Greater odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Dang - Chang Wu — count: 3
- 便程 (便程) 便程東作 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《本紀‧五帝本紀》 Annals - Annals of the Five Emperors — count: 3