时间 (時間) shíjiān
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Time
Notes: For example, 需要更多时间 'need more time' (Sun 2006, loc. 1545; VOA 2016-01-09a).
Contained in
- 时间测定学(時間測定學) chronometry
- 当地时间(當地時間) local time
- 时间轴(時間軸) time axis; timeline
- 与时间赛跑(與時間賽跑) to race against time
- 抽时间(抽時間) to (try to) find the time to
- 格林尼治标准时间(格林尼治標準時間) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
- 就寝时间(就寢時間) bedtime
- 争取时间(爭取時間) to act with urgency; to buy time
- 霎时间(霎時間) in a split second
- 阅读时间(閱讀時間) viewing time
- 打发时间(打發時間) to pass the time
- 时间序列(時間序列) time series (stats.)
- 第一时间(第一時間) in the first moments (of something happening); immediately (after an event); first thing
- 时间进程(時間進程) time course
- 时间戳(時間戳) timestamp
- 作息时间表(作息時間表) daily schedule; work schedule
- 时间表(時間表) schedule; timetable
- 首次注视时间(首次注視時間) first fixation duration
- 随机时间(隨機時間) random period of time; random interval
- 抓紧时间(抓緊時間) to snatch time; to rush; to hurry (up); to seize the moment
- 消磨时间(消磨時間) to kill time
- 花时间(花時間) to take up time; to spend time
- 短时间(短時間) short term; short time
- 挨时间(挨時間) to stall; to play for time
- 世界协调时间(世界協調時間) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
- 建立时间(建立時間) setup time; settling time
- 一段时间(一段時間) a period of time
- 用餐时间(用餐時間) meal times
- 一时间(一時間) for a moment/momentarily
- 北京时间(北京時間) Chinese Standard Time
- 前段时间(前段時間) recently
- 东部时间(東部時間) Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- 按时间先后(按時間先後) chronological
- 反应时间(反應時間) response time (technology)
- 上班时间(上班時間) time of going to work; the morning rush hour
- 工作时间(工作時間) working hours
- 格林威治标准时间(格林威治標準時間) Greenwich Mean Time / GMT
- 办公时间(辦公時間) office hours
- 安定时间(安定時間) settling time (control theory)
- 茶点时间(茶點時間) tea break; tea and dimsun
- 赶时间(趕時間) to be in a hurry
- 上下班时间(上下班時間) rush hour
- 作息时间(作息時間) daily schedule; daily routine
- 持续时间(持續時間) duration
- 时间线(時間線) timeline
- 拖延时间(拖延時間) to procrastinate; to stall for time; to filibuster
- 响应时间(響應時間) response time
- 美东时间(美東時間) USA Eastern Standard Time
- 营业时间(營業時間) time of business; opening hours (of shop); working time
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第七十回 Chapter 70 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 2
- 卷19中 景穆十二王中 Volume 19b: Emperor Jingmu Twelve Princes 2 Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 1
- Introduction History of Song 宋史 — count: 1
- 卷98 島夷蕭道成 島夷蕭衍 Volume 98: Xiao Daocheng of the Daoyi People, Xiaoyan of the Daoyi Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 1
- 卷105之三 天象志一之三 Volume 105c Treatise 1: Celestial Phenomena 3 Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 1
- 第一百五回 Chapter 105 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 — count: 1
- 第七回 Chapter 7 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 1
- 卷19上 景穆十二王上 Volume 19a: Emperor Jingmu Twelve Princes 1 Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 1
- 第四回 Chapter 4 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 1
- 卷三十八 志第八: 地理志二 Volume 38 Treatises 8: Geography 2 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 1