样 (樣) yàng
shape; form; pattern; style
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 形式 (Guoyu '樣' n 1; Unihan '樣') -
a kind
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 种类 (Guoyu '樣' n 2) -
an official standard; an example
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As in 样品 (Guoyu '樣' n 3) -
measure word
a shape; a form
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '樣' n 4)
Contained in
- 图样(圖樣) a diagram; a blueprint; a design
- 一色一样(一色一樣) all the same with a single color
- 抽样(抽樣) sample ; sampling
- 剪样(剪樣) cut out a pattern
- 摆样子(擺樣子) to do something for show; to keep up appearances
- 各样(各樣) many different types
- 尿样(尿樣) urine; urine sample
- 怎么样(怎麼樣) how; how about; how was it; how are things
- 一模一样(一模一樣) exactly the same
- 空气取样(空氣取樣) air sampling
- 多样化(多樣化) diversification; to diversify
- 这样(這樣) this way; such; like this
- 搞花样儿(搞花樣兒) to play tricks
- 像模像样(像模像樣) solemn; presentable; decent
- 样章(樣章) sample chapter
- 样貌(樣貌) appearance; manifestation
- 试样(試樣) style; type; model
- 改样(改樣) to change completely
- 这样一来(這樣一來) thus; in this way
- 变样儿(變樣兒) to change form
- 榜样(榜樣) example; model
- 同样(同樣) same; equal; equivalent
- 反正一样(反正一樣) whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference; six of one and half a dozen of the other
- 态样(態樣) form; pattern
- 花样(花樣) pattern; type; trick ; a sample of embroidery ; floral; flowery ; a method
- 花样游泳(花樣游泳) synchronized swimming
- 花样年华(花樣年華) the prime of life
- 学样(學樣) to follow suit; to imitate somebody's example
- 样板(樣板) template; prototype ; model; example
- 官样文章(官樣文章) officialese; red tape
- 花样滑冰(花樣滑冰) figure skating
- 屄样儿(屄樣兒) (vulgar, offensive) a person's repulsive appearance
- 抽样分布(抽樣分布) sample distribution
- 这么样(這麼樣) thus; in this way
- 大样(大樣) arrogant; full-page proofs (of newspaper); detailed drawing
- 一个样(一個樣) the same
- 样本(樣本) a sample; a specimen
- 不一样(不一樣) different; distinctive
- 一天一个样(一天一個樣) to change from day to day
- 打样(打樣) to draw a schematic
- 走样儿(走樣兒) to lose shape; to deform
- 式样(式樣) style
- 银样镴枪头(銀樣鑞槍頭) silvery spear point actually made of pewter; worthless despite an attractive exterior
- 官样(官樣) official manner
- 采样率(採樣率) sampling rate
- 各种各样(各種各樣) various kinds; all sorts
- 腺样(腺樣) adenoid gland; pharyngeal tonsil
- 样例(樣例) sample; model; example
- 货样(貨樣) a sample
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第八十四回 Chapter 84 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 11
- 卷二十二 志第二: 禮儀二 Volume 22 Treatises 2: Rites 2 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 9
- 卷四十六 志第二十二 地理七 Volume 46 Treatises 22: Geography 7 History of Ming 明史 — count: 9
- 卷一百九十四 志第一百四十七 兵八 Volume 194 Treatises 147: Military 8 History of Song 宋史 — count: 8
- 卷四百九十二 列傳第二百五十一 外國八 吐蕃唃廝囉 董氊 阿里骨 瞎征 趙思忠 Volume 492 Biographies 251: Foreign States 8 - Gusiluo of Tubo, Dongzhan, Aligu, Xiazheng, Zhao Sizhong History of Song 宋史 — count: 7
- 卷24 志第19 食貨 Volume 24 Treatises 19: Finance and Economics Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 7
- 卷四十八 志第二十八: 食貨上 Volume 48 Treatises 28: Finance and Economics 1 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 6
- 第八回 Chapter 8 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 6
- 第二十七回 Chapter 27 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 6
- 第二回 Chapter 40 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 6
- 样丹 (樣丹) 唃廝嵒使其舅賞樣丹與廝敦立文法於離王族 — History of Song 宋史, 卷二百五十八 列傳第十七 曹彬 潘美 李超 Volume 258 Biographies 17: Cao Bin, Pan Mei, Li Chao — count: 10
- 内样 (內樣) 賜宰臣已下內樣巾子 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷七 本紀第七: 中宗 睿宗 Volume 7 Annals 7: Zhongzong, Ruizong — count: 9
- 等样 (等樣) 詔諸路廂軍不以等樣選少壯人招刺 — History of Song 宋史, 卷一百八十九 志第一百四十二 兵三 Volume 189 Treatises 142: Military 3 — count: 8
- 木样 (木樣) 造明堂木樣 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷6 志第1 禮儀一 Volume 6 Treatises 1: Rites 1 — count: 8
- 赏样 (賞樣) 唃廝嵒使其舅賞樣丹與廝敦立文法於離王族 — History of Song 宋史, 卷二百五十八 列傳第十七 曹彬 潘美 李超 Volume 258 Biographies 17: Cao Bin, Pan Mei, Li Chao — count: 5
- 样制 (樣製) 依樣制管 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷16 志第11 律曆上 Volume 16 Treatises 11: Measures and the Calendar 1 — count: 4
- 新样 (新樣) 四方不得以新樣織成非常之物為獻 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十七上 本紀第十七上: 敬宗 文宗上 Volume 17 Annals 17: Jingzong, Wenzong 1 — count: 4
- 样巾 (樣巾) 賜宰臣已下內樣巾子 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷七 本紀第七: 中宗 睿宗 Volume 7 Annals 7: Zhongzong, Ruizong — count: 3
- 立样 (立樣) 袞立樣 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷68 列傳第33 宇文愷 閻毗 何稠 Volume 68 Biographies 33: Yu Wenkai, Yan Pi, He Chou — count: 3
- 进样 (進樣) 今取少府監進樣 — History of Song 宋史, 卷一百五十一 志第一百〇四 輿服三 Volume 151 Treatises 104: Carriages and Clothes 3 — count: 3