题跋 (題跋) tí bá
tí bá
preface and postscript on a book or art work
Domain: Art 艺术
Notes: Written on a book, stone inscription, or calligraphic work. The text in front is called 题 and the text following is called 跋
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第二回 Chapter 42 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 1
- 卷四百四十三 列傳第二百〇二 文苑五 梅堯臣 江休復 蘇洵 章望之 王逢 孫唐卿黃庠 楊寘 唐庚兄:伯虎 文同 楊傑 賀鑄 劉涇 鮑由 黃伯思 Volume 443 Biographies 202: Literature 5 - Mei Yaochen, Jiang Xiufu, Su Xun, Zhang Wangzhi, Wang Feng, Suntang Qinghuangxiang, Yang Zhi, Tang Geng and elder brother: Bohu, Wen Tong, Yang Jie, He Zhu, Liu Jing, Bao You, Huang Bosi History of Song 宋史 — count: 1