迷魂 míhún
to bewitch; to enchant
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Mythology
Contained in
- 迷魂汤(迷魂湯) potion that makes the soul forget its previous life
- 灌迷魂汤(灌迷魂湯) to butter up; to try to impress
- 迷魂香 a kind of sleeping gas or smoke used by thieves to incapacitate victims
- 迷魂阵(迷魂陣) stratagem to trap somebody; to bewitch and trap
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百十九 列傳第五十七: 粘葛奴申 劉天起 完顏婁室三人大婁室、中婁室、小婁室 烏古論鎬 張天綱 完顏仲德 Volume 119 Biographies 57: Zhange Nushen, Liu Tianqi, WanyanLoushisanrendaloushi, Zhong Loushi, Xiao Loushi, Wu Gu Lungao, Zhang Tiangang, Wanyan Zhongde History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 卷一百十一 列傳第四十九: 古里甲石倫 內族:完顏訛可 撒合輦 強伸 烏林答胡土 內族:完顏思烈 紇石烈牙吾塔 Volume 111 Biographies 49: Gulijiashilun, Nei same clan: Wanyaneke, Sa Henian, Qiang Shen, Wulindahutu, same clan: Wanyansilie, Geshilieyawuta History of Jin 金史 — count: 1