禄 (祿) lù
good fortune
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 福 (Guoyu '祿' n 1) -
an official salary
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 俸给 or 官俸; as in 俸禄 (Guoyu '祿' n 2)
Contained in
- 禄食(祿食) official pay
- 福禄(福祿) happiness and reward
- 伯多禄(伯多祿) Peter
- 逃禄(逃祿) to avoid employment
- 葛逻禄(葛邏祿) Qarluq or Karluk nomadic tribe, a Turkic in ancient times
- 持禄(持祿) to maintain an official position
- 爵禄(爵祿) rank and emolument of nobility
- 他加禄语(他加祿語) Tagalog
- 高薪厚禄(高薪厚祿) high salary, generous remuneration
- 秩禄(秩祿) official salaries
- 无功受禄(無功受祿) to get undeserved rewards
- 俸禄(俸祿) official's salary (in feudal times)
- 食禄(食祿) to draw government pay; to be in public service; salary of an official
- 世禄之家(世祿之家) family with hereditary emoluments
- 高官厚禄(高官厚祿) high post and generous salary; promotion to a high official position
- 尸禄(尸祿) to hold a sinecure
- 禄籍(祿籍) good fortune and reputation
- 禄命(祿命) person's lot through life
- 巴尔多禄茂(巴爾多祿茂) Bartholomew
- 禄饵(祿餌) official pay as bait (for talent)
- 回禄(回祿) Fire God ; destruction by fire
- 禄俸(祿俸) official pay
- 拉匝禄(拉匝祿) Lazarus
- 李天禄(李天祿) Li Tianlu
- 禄秩(祿秩) official rank and pay
- 长生禄位(長生祿位) tablet and altar honoring a great benefactor
- 世禄(世祿) hereditary benefits such as rank and wealth
- 钮祜禄(鈕祜祿) Niohuru
- 官禄(官祿) an official reward or salary
- 禄星(祿星) Star God of Rank and Affluence
- 功名利禄(功名利祿) position and wealth; rank, fame and fortune
- 利禄(利祿) wealth and official post
- 禄蠹(祿蠹) sinecurist
- 荣禄大夫(榮祿大夫) a rank in government service
- 利禄薰心(利祿薰心) to be eager for wealth and emolument
- 禄位(祿位) official rank and salary
Also contained in
苏禄群岛 、 禄丰县 、 禄劝 、 安禄山 、 禄丰 、 光禄勋 、 无功不受禄 、 金紫光禄大夫 、 光禄大夫 、 圣伯多禄大殿 、 苏禄 、 美禄 、 禄劝彝族苗族自治县 、 福禄贝尔 、 禄劝县
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百〇五 表第六 功臣世表一 Volume 105 Tables 6: Ministers with Outstanding Service 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 108
- 卷二百二十五上 列傳第一百五十上 逆臣上 Volume 225a Biographies 150a: Rebellious Ministers 1 New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 98
- 卷一百〇六 表第七 功臣世表二 Volume 106 Tables 7: Ministers with Outstanding Service 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 93
- 卷二百上 列傳第一百五十上: 安祿山 高尚 孫孝哲 史思明 Volume 200 Biographies 150: An Lushan, Gao Shang, Sun Xiaozhe, Shi Siming Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 64
- 卷一百〇七 表第八 功臣世表三 Volume 107 Tables 8: Ministers with Outstanding Service 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 52
- 卷八十二 志第五十八 食貨六 Volume 82 Treatises 58: Finance and Economics 6 History of Ming 明史 — count: 41
- 卷三百十一 列傳第一百九十九 四川土司一 Volume 311 Biographies 199: Sichuan Tribal Headmen 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 40
- 卷一百八十七下 列傳第一百三十七下: 忠義下 Volume 187 Biographies 137: Loyal and Righteous 2 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 36
- 卷二百九十 列傳第一百七十八 忠義二 Volume 290 Biographies 178: Loyal Officials 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 30
- 《萬章章句下》 Commentary on Wan Zhang II Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注 — count: 27
- 禄赏 (祿賞) 則祿賞不可不重也 — Guanzi 管子, 權修第三 Chapter 3: Cultivating Authority — count: 12
- 受禄 (受祿) 無功而受祿 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 國風‧魏‧伐檀 Lessons from the states - Odes of Wei - Fa Tan — count: 11
- 卿禄 (卿祿) 十卿祿 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《王制》 Royal Regulations — count: 9
- 禄爵 (祿爵) 益其祿爵而復之 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 6
- 重禄 (重祿) 忠信重祿 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《中庸》 The State of Equilibrium and Harmony, also known as the Doctrine of the Mean — count: 5
- 百禄 (百祿) 受天百祿 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 小雅‧鹿鳴之什‧天保 Minor odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Lu Ming - Tian Bao — count: 5
- 禄足以 (祿足以) 祿足以代其耕也 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《王制》 Royal Regulations — count: 4
- 易禄 (易祿) 難得而易祿也 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《儒行》 The Conduct of the Scholar — count: 4
- 同禄 (同祿) 下士與庶人在官者同祿 — Mencius 孟子, 萬章下 Wan Zhang II — count: 3
- 后禄 (後祿) 以綏後祿 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 小雅‧谷風之什‧楚茨 Minor odes of the kingdom - Gu Feng Zhi Shen - Chhu Ci — count: 3