体 (體) tǐ
a human or animal body
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 身体 (ABC 'tǐ' 体 bf 1; Kroll 2015 '體' 2; NCCED tǐ '体' 1; Unihan '體') -
form; style
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (ABC 'tǐ' 体 bf 3; NCCED tǐ '体' 7; Unihan '體') -
a substance
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 液体 'liquid' (ABC 'tǐ' 体 bf 2; Kroll 2015 '體' 3; NCCED tǐ '体' 3) -
a system
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (ABC 'tǐ' 体 bf 4; NCCED tǐ '体' 6) -
a font
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Art
Notes: In the sense of 字体 (ABC 'tǐ' 体 bf 5) -
grammatical aspect (of a verb)
Domain: Linguistics 语言学
Notes: (ABC 'tǐ' 体 bf 6; NCCED tǐ '体' 5) -
to experience; to realize
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 体验 (ABC 'tǐ' 体 bf 7; NCCED tǐ '体' 8) -
bound form
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In 体己 'personal savings' (ABC 'tī' 体; NCCED tī '体') -
limbs of a human or animal body
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '體' 1; NCCED tǐ '体' 2) -
to put oneself in another's shoes
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '體' 4; NCCED tǐ '体' 9) -
a genre of writing
Domain: Literature 文学
Notes: (Li 2017, p. 164; Kroll 2015 '體' 5)
Contained in
- 溶酶体(溶酶體) lysosome
- 人体解剖(人體解剖) human anatomy
- 传播媒体(傳播媒體) media
- 体力劳动(體力勞動) physical labor
- 矿体(礦體) ore body
- 斜体字(斜體字) italic letter; slanting typeface
- 国际体操联合会(國際體操聯合會) Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique
- 大体上(大體上) overall; in general terms
- 发音体(發音體) sound producing object (soundboard, vibrating string, membrane etc)
- 信仰体系(信仰體系) a belief system
- 整体(整體) entirety
- 自体免疫疾病(自體免疫疾病) autoimmune disease
- 液体(液體) a liquid
- 雌雄同体人(雌雄同體人) a hermaphrodite
- 非导体(非導體) nonconductor (of electricity, heat etc)
- 维基媒体基金会(維基媒體基金會) Wikimedia Foundation
- 尸体剖检(屍體剖檢) autopsy
- 民主政体(民主政體) democracy
- 游说团体(游說團體) lobby group
- 体育运动(體育運動) sport
- 双体船(雙體船) catamaran
- 交通立体化(交通立體化) grade separation
- 不成体统(不成體統) not according with decorum; scandalous; bad form; unacceptable behavior
- 天体营(天體營) nudist camp
- 体外受精(體外受精) in vitro fertilization
- 大体(大體) in general; more or less ; outline ; mind
- 染色体(染色體) chromosome
- 外国媒体(外國媒體) foreign news media
- 艾滋病抗体(艾滋病抗體) AIDS antibody
- 香体剂(香體劑) deodorant
- 机体(機體) an organism; a human body
- 体制(體制) system; organization
- 纤体(纖體) to get a slender figure; slimming
- 本体(本體) the thing in itself; noumenon ; the main part ; ontology; a naming system
- 立体图(立體圖) three-dimensional figure; hologram; stereogram
- 实体店(實體店) brick and mortar business; physical (rather than online) retail store
- 变体(變體) a variant
- 体温检测仪(體溫檢測儀) infrared body thermometer; temperature gun
- 体温计(體溫計) clinical thermometer
- 集体(集體) community; collective
- 天体物理(天體物理) astrophysics
- 三角柱体(三角柱體) triangular prism (math.)
- 体魄(體魄) physique; build
- 跳集体舞(跳集體舞) to do ensemble dancing; to dance in a group
Also contained in
永明体 、 古体诗 、 特许半导体 、 软体 、 点阵字体 、 流媒体 、 北京工人体育场
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷三百〇八 列傳第一百九十六 奸臣 胡惟庸 陳瑛 嚴嵩 周延儒 溫體仁 馬士英 Volume 308 Biographies 196: Treacherous Officials - Hu Weiyong, Chen Ying, Yan Song, Zhou Yanru, Wen Tiren, Ma ShiYing History of Ming 明史 — count: 93
- 卷二百五十八 列傳第一百四十六 許譽卿 華允誠 魏呈潤 毛羽健 吳執御 章正宸 黃紹杰 傅朝佑 姜埰 熊開元 詹爾選 湯開遠 成勇 陳龍正 Volume 258 Biographies 146: Xu Yuqing, Hua Yuncheng, Wei Chengrun, Mao Yujian, Wu Zhiyu, Zhang Zhengchen, Huang Shaojie, Fu Chaoyou, Jiang 埰, Xiong Kaiyuan, Zhan Erxuan, Tang Kaiyuan, Cheng Yong, Chen Longzheng History of Ming 明史 — count: 50
- 卷十七 Scroll 17 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 34
- 卷二百五十一 列傳第一百三十九 李標 劉鴻訓 錢龍錫 成基命 何如寵 徐光啟 文震孟 蔣德璟 方岳貢 Volume 251 Biographies 139: Li Biao, Liu Hongxun, Qian Longxi, Cheng Jiming, He Ruchong, Xu Guangqi, Wen Zhenmeng, Jiang Dejing, Fang Yuegong History of Ming 明史 — count: 31
- 卷三百十五 列傳第二百〇三 雲南土司三 Volume 315 Biographies 203: Yunnan Tribal Headmen 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 31
- 卷三百〇五 列傳第一百九十三 宦官二 李芳 馮保 張鯨 陳增 梁永 陳矩 王安 魏忠賢 王體乾 崔文昇 張彝憲 高起潛 王承恩 方正化 Volume 305 Biographies 193: Officials 2 - Li Fang, Feng Bao, Zhang Jing, Chen Zeng, Liang Yong, Chen Ju, Wang An, Wei Zhongxian, Wang Tigan, Cui Wensheng, Zhang Yixian, Gao Qiqian, Wang Chengen, Fang Zhenghua History of Ming 明史 — count: 25
- 《中庸章句》 Commentary on Doctrine of the Mean Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注 — count: 23
- 卷三百九十三 列傳第一百五十二 彭龜年 黃裳 羅點 黃度 周南 林大中 陳騤 黃黼 詹體仁 Volume 393 Biographies 152: Peng Guinian, Huang Chang, Luo Dian, Huang Du, Zhou Nan, Lin Dazhong, Chen Kui, Huang Fu, Zhan Tiren History of Song 宋史 — count: 23
- 卷二百五十五 列傳第一百四十三 劉宗周 黃道周 Volume 255 Biographies 143: Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou History of Ming 明史 — count: 20
- 卷19 志第14 天文上 Volume 19 Treatises 14: Astronomy 1 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 20
- 容体 (容體) 此哀之發於容體者也 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《間傳》 Treatise on Subsidiary Points in Mourning Usages — count: 6
- 体国 (體國) 體國經野 — Rites of Zhou 周禮, 天官冢宰 第一 1. Office of the Heaven and Prime Minister — count: 5
- 肥体 (肥體) 訾食者不肥體 — Guanzi 管子, 形勢第二 Chapter 2: Circumstances — count: 4
- 右体 (右體) 皆右體 — The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮, 鄉飲酒禮 第四 4. Rites of the district symposium — count: 4
- 以下体 (以下體) 無以下體 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 國風‧邶‧谷風 Lessons from the states - Odes of Bei - Gu Feng — count: 3
- 往体 (往體) 往體多 — Rites of Zhou 周禮, 冬官考工記 第六 6. Office of Winter and Inspection Records — count: 3
- 来体 (來體) 來體寡 — Rites of Zhou 周禮, 冬官考工記 第六 6. Office of Winter and Inspection Records — count: 3
- 小体 (小體) 小體騫腹 — Rites of Zhou 周禮, 冬官考工記 第六 6. Office of Winter and Inspection Records — count: 3
- 体正 (體正) 容體正 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《冠義》 The Meaning of the Ceremony of Capping — count: 3
- 体仁 (體仁) 體仁足以長人 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 2