把 bǎ
marker for direct-object
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Object 对象
Notes: 把 is used in a pretransitive construction to mark an instrument. 把 takes three arguments, including the subject, the object, and the resultative state (CC-CEDICT '把'; Norman 1988, p. 131; Sun 2006, loc. 2216; XHZD '把' bǎ 6, p. 13). For example, 进屋,把笤帚放在原处 '[He] entered the room and placed the broom in its original position' (Lao She, 2003, p. 173). -
measure word
bundle; handful; measureword for something with a handle
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
Notes: A measure word for 1. thngs with a handle, 2. things that can be grabbed with one hand, and 3. certain abstract ideas (CC-CEDICT '把'; Guoyu '把' bǎ n; Kroll 2015 '把' bǎ 2, p. 6; XHZD '把' bǎ 5, p. 13) -
to hold; to take; to grasp
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 握住 (CC-CEDICT '把'; Guoyu '把' bǎ v 1; Kroll 2015 '把' bǎ 1, p. 6; Unihan '把'; XHZD '把' bǎ 1, p. 13) -
a handle
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '把'; Guoyu '把' bà n 1; Kroll 2015 '把' bà 1, p. 6; XHZD '把' bà, p. 14) -
to guard
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 看守 (Guoyu '把' bǎ v 2; Unihan '把'; XHZD '把' bǎ 3, p. 13) -
to regard as
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '把') -
to give
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 给与 (Guoyu '把' bǎ v 3) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '把' bǎ adj; XHZD '把' bǎ 8, p. 13) -
a stem
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Of a leaf or flower (Guoyu '把' bà n 2) -
to grasp
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Same as bǎ (Guoyu '把' bǎi) -
to control
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '把' bǎ 1a, p. 6; XHZD '把' bǎ 1, p. 13) -
a handlebar
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: As in 车把 (XHZD '把' bǎ 4, p. 13) -
sworn brotherhood
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: As in martial arts or secret societies (XHZD '把' bǎ 9, p. 13) -
an excuse; a pretext
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '把' bǎ 3, p. 6) -
a claw
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: as a variant of 爬 (Kroll 2015 '把' pá , p. 6)
Contained in
- 印把子 official seal
- 并把(並把) to include
- 把守 to guard
- 偷鸡不成蚀把米(偷雞不成蝕把米) to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it; to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off
- 什么风把你吹来的(什麼風把你吹來的) What brings you here?
- 把袂 to have an intimate friendship
- 新官上任三把火 (of a newly appointed official) to make bold changes on assuming office
- 把舵 to hold the rudder; to hold (to take, to be at) the helm; to steer
- 一把好手 an expert
- 投机倒把(投機倒把) to play the market
- 把风(把風) to keep watch (during a clandestine activity); to be on the lookout
- 把门(把門) to stand as a goalkeeper; to keep guard on a gate
- 吸把 toilet plunger
- 一把抓 to attempt all tasks at once; to manage every detail regardless of its importance
- 车把(車把) handlebar (bicycle etc); shaft (rickshaw etc)
- 茶壶把手(茶壺把手) teapot handle
- 把妹 to pick up a girl; to get a girl
- 一把屎一把尿 to have endured all sorts of hardships (to raise one's children)
- 舵把 tiller of a boat
- 扫把星(掃把星) bearer of ill luck; person with the evil eye; comet
- 把马子(把馬子) to pick up a girl; to get a girl
- 扛把子 (argot) gang leader
- 枪把儿(槍把兒) butt of a gun
- 变把戏(變把戲) to perform magic; to do magic tricks; prestidigitation
- 把握 to grasp; to seize; to hold ; assurance; certainty
- 把关(把關) to guard a pass; to check on ; to perform duty in a standard manner
- 把持 to hold; to grasp ; to monopolize ; to control
- 把式匠 a skilled tradeperson
- 守把 to guard
- 打把势(打把勢) drill (in sword play); to thrash around; to demonstrate gymnastic skills; to solicit financial help (in an indirect way)
- 把儿(把兒) a handle
- 把总(把總) low-level officer of the army from the Ming to the mid Qing Dynasty
- 花把式 expert flower grower
- 无把握(無把握) uncertain
- 把玩 to turn around in one's hands; to play with; to fiddle with
- 二把手 deputy leader; the second-in-command
- 严把(嚴把) to be strict; to enforce vigorously (procedures, quality control etc)
- 花把势(花把勢) expert flower grower
- 搭把手 to help out
- 捏一把汗 to break out into a cold sweat
- 一把眼泪一把鼻涕(一把眼淚一把鼻涕) with one's face covered in tears
- 把尿 to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she urinates
- 搭把手儿(搭把手兒) to help out
- 把屎 to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates
- 把酒 to raise one's wine cup
- 捞一把(撈一把) to profiteer; to gain some underhand advantage
- 艾把 mugwort
- 把稳(把穩) trustworthy; dependable
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第三十一回 Chapter 31 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 47
- 第十六回 Chapter 16 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 41
- 第二十六回 Chapter 26 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 41
- 第二十四回 Chapter 24 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 39
- 第六十二回 Chapter 62 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 39
- 第三十八回 Chapter 38 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 38
- 卷二百二十二 列傳第一百一十 譚綸 王崇古 方逢時 吳兌 鄭洛 張學顏 張佳胤 殷正茂 凌雲翼 Volume 222 Biographies 110: Tan Lun, Wang Chonggu, Fang Fengshi, Wu Dui, Zheng Luo, Zhang Xueyan, Zhang Jiayin, Yin Zhengmao, Ling Yunyi History of Ming 明史 — count: 37
- 第三十二回 Chapter 32 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 37
- 第四十六回 Chapter 46 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 36
- 第二十三回 Chapter 23 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 35