剖 pōu
to slice; to cut
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '剖'; Unihan '剖')
Contained in
- 人体解剖(人體解剖) human anatomy
- 尸体剖检(屍體剖檢) autopsy
- 剖视图(剖視圖) section view; cutaway view
- 剖解图(剖解圖) cutaway diagram
- 剖腹自杀(剖腹自殺) hara-kiri
- 格雷氏解剖学(格雷氏解剖學) Gray's Anatomy (medical reference book)
- 人体解剖学(人體解剖學) human anatomy
- 剖辩(剖辯) to analyze; to explain
- 剖分 to cut into two pieces
- 剖断(剖斷) to divide ; to judge
- 解剖刀 scalpel
- 剖腹藏珠 cutting one's stomach to hide a pearl; wasting a lot of effort on trivialities
- 解剖麻雀 to dissect a sparrow; a preliminary test on a small sample
- 剖肝沥胆(剖肝瀝膽) to be completely honest and sincere
- 剖视(剖視) to analyze; to dissect
- 剖白 to explain oneself
- 解剖 to dissect
- 纵剖面(縱剖面) vertical section; longitudinal section
- 析毫剖厘(析毫剖釐) to analyze in the finest detail
- 尸体解剖(屍體解剖) autopsy; postmortem
- 剖析 to dissect; to analyze
- 横剖面(橫剖面) horizontal section
- 剖解 to dissect; to analyze
- 剖宫产(剖宮產) Cesarean section
- 剖宫产手术(剖宮產手術) Cesarean section operation
- 解剖学(解剖學) anatomy
- 剖腹产(剖腹產) Cesarean section
- 解剖室 a dissecting room
- 解剖术(解剖術) dissection method
- 剖腹产手术(剖腹產手術) Cesarean section operation
- 剖开(剖開) to seperate
- 剖面 profile; cross section
- 剖腹 to cut open the abdomen; to disembowel; to speak from the heart
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五 Scroll 5 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 7
- 卷十二 奉使 Chapter 12: Receiving and Implementing Orders Garden of Stories 說苑 — count: 6
- 卷四十一 樊酈滕灌傅靳周傳 Volume 41: Fan, Li, Teng, Guan, Fu, Jin and Zhou Book of Han 漢書 — count: 6
- 卷二 本紀第二: 高祖下 Volume 2: Emperor Wu 2 Book of Chen 陳書 — count: 5
- 卷二 俶真訓 Chapter 2: Starting with the Truth Huainanzi 淮南子 — count: 5
- 卷三十九 Scroll 39 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 5
- 卷五十五 列傳第二十五 夏侯湛 潘岳 張載 Volume 55 Biographies 25: Xiahou Zhan; Pan Yue; Zhang Zai Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 5
- 卷五十九 張衡列傳 Volume 59: Biography of Zhang Heng Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 4
- 卷一百下 敍傳 Volume 100b: Afterword and Family History 2 Book of Han 漢書 — count: 4
- 卷三十五 Scroll 35 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 4
- 剖符 (剖符) 而相室剖符 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 孤憤第十一 Chapter 11: Cynicism — count: 66
- 剖心 (剖心) 比干剖心 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 難言第三 Chapter 3: The Difficulty with Language — count: 15
- 剖判 (剖判) 神之分離剖判 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷二 俶真訓 Chapter 2: Starting with the Truth — count: 12
- 剖棺 (剖棺) 剖棺露胔耳 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷十六 鄧寇列傳 Volume 16: Biographies of Deng, Kou — count: 9
- 剖比干 (剖比干) 剖比干 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷十二 道應訓 Chapter 12: Responses of the Way — count: 5
- 功臣剖 (功臣剖) 而與功臣剖符定封 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《陳丞相世家》 House of Chancellor Chen — count: 5
- 诸侯剖 (諸侯剖) 與諸侯剖符 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《曹相國世家》 House of Chancellor Cao — count: 4
- 比干剖 (比干剖) 比干剖心 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 難言第三 Chapter 3: The Difficulty with Language — count: 4
- 天地剖 (天地剖) 自天地剖判 — Garden of Stories 說苑, 卷十二 奉使 Chapter 12: Receiving and Implementing Orders — count: 4
- 剖破 (剖破) 应当剖破腹 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷八十二下 方術列傳 Volume 82b: Biographies of Alchemists 2 — count: 3