极 (極) jí
extremely; very
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 很 or 甚. 极 is one of the few adverbs that can act as a complement, placed after an adjective or verb, followed by the particle 了. It may be used in this sense in both modern and Literary Chinese. For exmaple, 美极了 'very beautiful' (Guoyu '極' adv 2; Mathews 1931 '極', p. 64; Norman 1988, p. 127; Unihan '極'). -
utmost; furthest
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Comparison
Notes: In the sense of 最高 or 最大 (Guoyu '極' adv 1; Kroll 2015 '極' 4, p. 185; Mathews 1931 '極', p. 64; Unihan '極') -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 尽头 (Guoyu '極' n 2; Kroll 2015 '極' 3, p. 185; Mathews 1931 '極', p. 64) -
ridge-beam of a roof
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: 极 is synonymous with 栋 in this sense. Etymology (Shuo Wen): 極:棟也。 (Kroll 2015 '極' 1, p. 185; Mathews 1931 '極', p. 64) -
to exhaust
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: 极 is synonymous with 栋 in this sense (Guoyu '極' v; Kroll 2015 '極' 3a, p. 185) -
a standard principle
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '極' 1a) -
pinnacle; summit; highpoint
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '極' 2, p. 185; Mathews 1931 '極', p. 64) -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: As in 南极 'south pole' and 北极 'north pole' (Guoyu '極' n 3; Mathews 1931 '極', p. 64) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 君位 (Guoyu '極' n 1) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 亟 (Kroll 2015 '極' 5, p. 185) -
an electrical pole; a node
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Physics
Notes: As in the positive and negative nodes of a battery (Guoyu '極' n 4)
Contained in
- 极性(極性) [chemical] polarity
- 阴极射线(陰極射線) to discharge from a negative node
- 穷极其妙(窮極其妙) extremely fine
- 极量(極量) maximum dose
- 极星(極星) pole star
- 穷极(窮極) very; extremely ; to exhaust the last of
- 光二极管(光二極管) photodiode; light-emitting diode (LED)
- 极权主义(極權主義) totalitarianism
- 红极一时(紅極一時) tremendously popular for a while
- 极短篇小说(極短篇小說) flash fiction
- 环极涡旋(環極渦旋) circumpolar vortex
- 极目(極目) to fill one's vision; as far as the eye can see
- 无极(無極) everlasting; unbounded ; Wuji
- 极超(極超) hyper-; ultra-
- 二极体(二極體) diode
- 极核(極核) polar nucleus
- 物极必反(物極必反) when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction
- 践极(踐極) to take the throne
- 极值(極值) maxima and minima; extremum
- 八极拳(八極拳) Ba Ji Quan; Eight Extremes Fist
- 极其(極其) extremely
- 南极洲(南極洲) Antarctica
- 罪大恶极(罪大惡極) guilty of terrible crimes ; reprehensible
- 极辣(極辣) very spicy
- 偏极滤光镜(偏極濾光鏡) polarizing filter
- 旋转极(旋轉極) pole of rotation
- 极目远望(極目遠望) as far as the eye can see
- 两极分化(兩極分化) polarization
- 集电极(集電極) a collecting electrode; a collector
- 极为(極為) extremely; exceedingly
- 极限(極限) a limit; an extreme
- 盛极一时(盛極一時) all the rage for a time; grand fashion for a limited time
- 喜极而泣(喜極而泣) crying tears of joy
- 积极性(積極性) zeal; initiative; enthusiasm
- 南北极(南北極) south and north poles
- 积极分子(積極分子) enthusiast; (political) activist
- 极限运动(極限運動) extreme sport
- 太极剑(太極劍) a kind of traditional Chinese sword-play
- 极东(極東) the Far East; East Asia
- 极小(極小) minimal; extremely small
- 高官极品(高官極品) highest official rank
- 登极(登極) to ascend the throne
- 极深研几(極深研幾) deep and detailed investigation
- 二极管(二極管) diode; vacuum tube
- 负极(負極) negative pole; cathode
- 磁极(磁極) magnetic pole
- 极力(極力) to do one's utmost
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百一十 表第十一 宰輔年表二 Volume 110 Tables 11: Annals of Chancellors 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 50
- Daode Jing 《道德經》 Daode Jing 道德經 — count: 34
- 第三 律曆下 曆法 Volume 93: Rhythm and the Calendar Part Three Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 34
- 卷三十五 志第十五: 天文上 Volume 35 Treatises 15: Astronomy 1 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 33
- 卷19 志第14 天文上 Volume 19 Treatises 14: Astronomy 1 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 33
- 卷三百〇六 列傳第一百九十四 閹黨 焦芳 張綵 顧秉謙 崔呈秀 劉志選 曹欽程 王紹徽 霍維華 閻鳴泰 賈繼春 田爾耕 Volume 306 Biographies 194: Eunuchs - Jiao Fang, Zhang Cai, Gu Bingqian, Cui Chengxiu, Liu Zhixuan, Cao Qincheng, Wang Shaohui, Huo Weihua, Yan Mingtai, Jia Jichun, Tian Ergeng History of Ming 明史 — count: 29
- 卷五十 志第三 天文三 Volume 50 Treatises 3: Astronomy 3 History of Song 宋史 — count: 27
- 卷二十 Scroll 20 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 25
- 卷五十一 志第四 天文四 Volume 51 Treatises 4: Astronomy 4 History of Song 宋史 — count: 25
- 卷十一 志第一 天文上 Volume 11 Treatises 1: Astronomy Part One Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 24